artificial eye is an artistic false eye, which
is necessary for normal impressions and aesthetic concerns to
those who lost eyesight on one of the eyes due to eye diseases
or injuries on the eyeball. It's also an essential item for
those who wish to lead a normal and smooth social life without
a psychological loss or pressure of others' staring after losing
vision on one of the eyes. / According to an old saying, you
can figure out one's personality based on his or her impressions.
In other words, your impressions can tell many things about
your personality and character. As a matter of fact, physiognomists
put the greatest emphasis on the eyes. They give a half of 100
scores to the eyes in reading a face with the rest of the scores
allocated to the nose, ears, and mouth. Thus
it's fairly easy to see how important your eyes are in making
your first impressions to others and further your interpersonal